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General Surgery

General surgery in veterinary medicine encompasses a wide range of surgical procedures performed on animals to diagnose, treat, and manage various medical conditions.

Common procedures include spaying and neutering, tumor removals, wound repairs, and abdominal surgeries for issues like foreign body removal or organ disease.

Preoperative care involves a thorough examination and diagnostic testing to assess the animal’s health and suitability for surgery. During the procedure, veterinarians use anesthesia and pain management techniques to ensure the animal’s comfort and safety. Our monitoring includes a full ECG, capnography, blood pressure, pulse oximetry, temperature, and respiration. A dedicated technician is monitoring your pet’s vitals the entire time before, during, and after the procedure. Postoperative care includes monitoring, medication administration, and follow-up visits to ensure proper healing and recovery. We monitor your pet’s vitals every 15 minutes for a minimum of two hours post op.

General surgery in veterinary medicine not only enhances the quality of life for animals but also supports their overall health and longevity. Advances in surgical techniques and technology continue to improve outcomes and expand the range of treatable conditions in veterinary practice.