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Preventive Care & Wellness

  • Transitioning to a new home is a big step for even the most playful and outgoing kitten. Prior to bringing your kitten home, make sure you have all the items your kitten will need. Slowly introduce your kitten to your home, family members, and other cats or dogs in the home. Begin training your kitten as soon as your she is comfortable with all the members of your household.

  • These dogs are playful and happy to join their family in anything. Most are friendly and accepting of strangers. They're happy, waggy dogs who always greet their family with an invitation to play.

  • Bromethalin is a common rodenticide. Cats are commonly poisoned when they find loose bait placed for rodent control. Relay toxicity, where poisoning occurs due to ingesting rodents that died from bromethalin, has been anecdotally reported in cats. Clinical signs can develop as soon as two hours after exposure and as long as 24-48 hours after exposure. There is no antidote for bromethalin, so prompt induction of vomiting by a veterinarian can be lifesaving. Prognosis is poor to grave if severe clinical signs develop such as seizures, paralysis, or coma. Patients with milder clinical signs may recover after several weeks but may have permanent neurologic damage.

  • Some 50-80% of all cats over the age of four have periodontal disease (infection of the tissues surrounding the teeth). Brushing three times a week is the minimum recommendation to help remove plaque and prevent tartar accumulation. To be successful at brushing your cat's teeth, you must make it a positive experience for both of you. Do not use human toothpaste or baking soda. A list of dental products and diets that have been accepted by the Veterinary Oral Health Counsel can be found at

  • It is estimated that over 80% of dogs over the age of three have periodontal disease (infection of the tissues surrounding the teeth). Brushing three times a week is the minimum recommendation to help remove plaque and prevent tartar accumulation. To be successful at brushing your dog's teeth, you must make it a positive experience for both of you. Do not use human toothpaste or baking soda. A list of dental products and diets that have been accepted by the Veterinary Oral Health Counsel can be found on

  • They're perfectly willing to lie beside you (or on your lap) while you're reading a book, but if you invite them to play, they'll join a rousing game of catch-me-if-you-can.

  • The clownish, energetic Bull Terrier has found himself to be the object of advertising adoration. No fewer than three Bull Terriers have lent their talents to various marketing media. That said, any well-bred Bull Terrier is happy to put on a show for the family upon whom he lavishes never-ending devotion – and for family guests as well.

  • With its massive head, jutting jaw and barrel shape, the Bulldog appears to be a real tough guy but in fact is just the opposite. The truth is, everyone loves the Bulldog and this sweetheart returns the compliment.

  • Strong-willed and with a body more powerful than the average bear, the Bullmastiff cannot be coerced to do something he doesn't want to do. But for a master he loves and respects, nothing is impossible. These dogs crave physical contact and consider themselves to be lapdogs despite their girth.

  • Recommendations for New Puppy Owners: Veterinary Care

    Nos gustaría felicitarle por la adquisición de su nuevo cachorro. Ser propietario de un cachorro es una experiencia extremadamente satisfactoria, pero además conlleva cierta responsabilidad. Esperamos que estas notas que le ofrecemos le sean de ayuda. Si tiene alguna pregunta relacionada con cualquier tema sobre la salud de su cachorro, por favor no dude en ponerse en contacto con nosotros.